Because Humanity...
WE ARE NOT OUR SUCCESSES AND FAILURES, OUR HUMANITY IS NOT BASED ON SUCH CRITERIA… I’m amazed as I get older how many people still judge others on “high school criteria”. You know, “the you can’t sit with us syndrome”. I’ve watched so many turn their noses down at others for a myriad of reasons, many that lead back to money, class, race… nonsense. And maybe some believe that to be LOGICAL criteria. I mean, I can’t know for sure, but maybe Jeff Bezos doesn’t have friends who make a cool $60K a year – we’ve been taught that we are who we associate with.. correct? Yet we are initially taught, in church/school that we treat others the way we want to be treated. That we love them the way that Christ has loved us. Somehow, adulting means finding a happy medium between these truths. Finding like minded individuals and extending our love and courtesy to EVERYONE.
I’m not here to preach either stance. I will say that extending BASIC HUMAN KINDNESS - saying hello, listening to others and their concerns and experiences, caring about how they feel, keeping a secret regardless of how you feel about the information given to you, extending a helping hand when it’s clear one is needed. These are all things that cost ZERO. Maybe everyone hasn’t been on the other end of “you can’t sit with us because….”. I HAVE. It doesn’t feel good. And sure, we are taught to let it roll off our backs and keep going because ADULTING. But still… Life ebbs and flows, even those of us who are doing ok for ourselves at some point were not. MEANING, these are the same folk who at some point received HELP of some kind from some other loving soul. We’ve all needed it. These are just facts. What good are we then, to not extend even just words of kindness to someone dealing with LIFE. The same that we deal with DAILY. Be careful how you treat one another friends on social media and in person. May our words be uplifting, truth without love is simply cruelty and KARMA IS REAL….